Uprava objedinjuje Ured direktora odnosno, Odjel Pravnih i kadrovskih poslova, Odjel zaštite na radu te Odjel računovodstvenih i financijskih poslova pri kojemu je ustrojena služba za podršku korisnicima.
Objedinjeni poslovi podrazumijevaju podršku poslovanju poslovnih sektora i jedinica u obavljanju redovnih poslovnih aktivnosti.

i saznajte sve što Vas zanima.
Branimir Marinović (Računovodstveni i financijski poslovi)
Tel: +385 (32) 428 179

Ksenija Čulig (tajnica)
Tel: +385 (32) 428 179
Tina Bačić (Zaštita na radu)
Tel: +385 (32) 428 179
Pratite naše aktivnosti na društvenim mrežama
Postani dio naše facebook, twitter, google plus ili instagram zajednice i saznaj sve što te zanima o našim proizvodima i uslugama.
Kontaktirajte nas
Za sva pitanja budite slobodni kontaktirati nas putem dolje navedenih kontaktnih informacija.
Komunalac d.o.o
Sajmište 174
32 000 Vukovar
MB: 3025003
OIB: 83101904488
tel: +385 (32) 428 179
fax: +385 (32) 428 180
Komunalac d.o.o., registriran na Trgovačkom sudu u Osijeku pod brojem 030064890.
Temeljni kapital 8.036.900,00 kuna uplaćen u cijelosti.
Osobe ovlaštene za zastupanje: Domagoj Bilić
Sva prava pridržana, KOMUNALAC d.o.o. Sajmište 174, Vukovar. Developed & design by: SLink
About Us
The company Komunalac Ltd. Has based in 1954 as a public company. In year 1999. she became a company with limited liability. The founder of the company is the City of Vukovar and in its 100% owned. Decision of the city of Vukovar company Komunalac is only authorized in the area of collection and disposal of waste. We are collecting waste from 23 counties and 3 cities (Vukovar, Sotin and Lipovača). Komunalac Ltd. operate and maintain the landfill "Petrovačka dola", which is also regulated by the Decision of the City of Vukovar.
Our mission is to bring together experience and youth in making the best of engineering, environmental, economic and social solutions, technologies and products, with the ultimate goal of achieving the highest standards in the scale of quality and professionalism in all aspects of our business.
Our vision is related to the achievement of our strategic objectives: busy professional people motivated for the adoption and development of new knowledge and ideas that continually contribute to the betterment of our business and make us the best possible choice for our customers and partners.
Contact Us
Komunalac d.o.o.
Sajmište 174
32 000 Vukovar
MB: 3025004
OIB: 83101904488
Tel: 032 428 179
Fax: 032 428 180
E-mail: komunalac-vu@komunalac-vu.hr